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全館消費滿 $3,000 免運費!



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The art market has changed over recent years, with the digitization of information, increased accessibility, and heightened visibility in popular spheres. The average person is much more aware of art and the art market. New, curious participants are eager to learn about art and its industries, but often do not know where to begin. How does one look at art? How do you soak in its meaning, and all it has to offer? In this exhibition, we will exercise the art of art appreciation for each of the works on display. 


The word ‘appreciation’ has a few meanings, including 1) recognition and enjoyment of worth, and 2) increase in monetary value. Viewers are invited to explore both angles. In this exercise, we will begin to demystify the process for novice participants, while veterans revisit and reconsider some of our most celebrated contemporary artists.


Viewers are encouraged to approach each work with the following practice:

  1. First, view the work. Enjoy it (or don’t). Appreciate it purely, with your first impressions.
  2. Read the left hand text, which will give you a glimpse into the artist’s intentions and the concepts behind the work. 
  3. View the work again. Have your feelings for the work changed?
  4. Now read the right hand text, which will give you some market context. 
  5. View the work again. Have your feelings changed yet again?

The art world is an ecosystem, with a balance of artists, cultural institutions, academics, galleries, auction houses, and the patrons that support all of them. Without the appreciation and support of art enthusiasts and collectors, our cultural communities wither away. This exhibition was created in the spirit of encouraging our beloved enthusiasts and the next generation of collectors.




Phyllis Kao



 策展人 Curator


Phyllis Kao

Phyllis Kao 為“Appreciation” 的策展人,擁有豐富多元的背景和超過15年的藝術行業經歷。


Phyllis 在藝術行業中擔任過多個角色,對藝術產業的生態系統有著全面深刻的理解。她是一位台裔美國人,並擁有哥倫比亞大學的文學士學位。

 導覽資訊 Guide



展覽資訊 Information


展期 2023/05/13 (六) - 2023/06/30 (五)

時間 12:00 - 20:00 (每週一公休,最後入場時間為19:45)

地點 LIGHTWELL 2F-3F (台北市中山區中山北路二段20巷6-1號)

票價 NT$100/人


觀展注意事項 Notice